Cooperation with the International Research Centre in Area of Digital Communication Systems
Project no. LTT20004 for collaboration with EURECOM, France and its partners
1.3.2020 - 31.12.2024
Funded by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Machine learning for communications and image processing
Precise positioning for autonomous train operation with secure communications on new 5G+...
Research project no. FW01010187 funded by Technology Agency of Czech Republic
1.1.2020 31.12.2022
Positioning and communication of autonomous trains
Communication in Self-optimizing Mobile Networks with Drones
Research project no. 18-27023S funded by Czech Science Foundation
1.1.2018 31.12.2020
Focused on positioning of the flying base station and users association
Cooperation with the International Research Centre in Area of Communication Systems
Project no. LTT18007 for collaboration with EURECOM, France
1.1.2018 - 30.12.2019
Funded by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Focused on machine learning for communicatin networks
Combined Radio Frequency and Visible Light Bands for Device-to-Device communication
Research project no. P102/17/17538S funded by Czech Science Foundation
1.1.2017 31.12.2019
Focused on management of D2D communication with mixed VLC and RF
Flexible radio access for future mobile communications
Research project no. SGS17/184/OHK3/3T/13 funded by CTU in Prague
1.1.2017 31.12.2019
Focused on concept of flying base stations, MEC, C-RAN, and D2D
Mobile Edge Computing and Functional Splitting for Scheduling of Radio Resources
Research project funded by FOXCONN, Taiwan
1.10.2016 30.9.2019
Splitting of MAC functions between BBUs and RRHs
Game theoretic aspects of wireless spectrum access
Bilateral project no. 8G15008 with prof. Amir Leshem, Bar-Ilan University
1.7.2016 - 30.6.2018
Funded by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
Focused on cognitive spectrum sharing and access in wireless networks
FP7 project no. ICT-318784 funded by European Commission
1.9.2012 - 30.4.2015
Focused on merging small cells with cloud computing
Workpackage leader (Scenarios, Architecture, and Market Analysis)
Member of coordination and technical project committees
Prediction Algorithms for Efficient Mobility Management in Wireless Networks
Postdoc research project no. P102/12/P613 funded by Czech Science Foundation
1.1.2011 - 31.12.2014
Focused on mobility management in 4G+ (NCL, admission, handover)
FP7 project no. ICT-248891 funded by European Commission
1.1.2010 - 31.12.2011
Focused on interference and RRM in OFDMA networks with femtocells
Workpackage leader (Control procedures for RRM)
Member of coordination and technical project committees
FP7 project no. ICT-215282 funded by European Commission
1.1.2009 - 31.12.2010
Focused on OFDMA networks towards IMT Advanced requirements
Scientific in charge of technical part of the project at CTU in Prague
Feasibility study of national radio access network based on WiMAX
National project funded by Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
1.9.2007 - 31.12.2007
FP6 project no. IST-027675 funded by European Commission.
Focused on relay stations in OFDM systems
1.1 2006 - 31.12.2007
Improvement of VoIP speech quality
Project founded by Sitronics R&D centre, Prague.
1.1.2006 - 31.12. 2007